Is Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning Better Than Hand Cleaning?

A dental professional’s ability to keep his or her patients satisfied is crucial to their success. It’s imperative to understand what patients expect from the dentist as a profession and to ensure that we can provide it.


One of the most important aspects of this is being able to effectively communicate with patients so that they understand the importance of good oral hygiene for them to take responsibility for their own oral health. In addition, it’s critical to provide them with a positive clinical experience and ensure that they can physically feel the benefits of each treatment.

What is Dental Scaling?


Dental scaling, also known as teeth cleaning, is a procedure that involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth at a dental office. Plaque is a sticky film containing germs that accumulates on the tooth surface, and tartar is basically mineralized plaque that becomes hard and difficult to remove with a toothbrush. Plaque is constantly growing on your teeth, but if they aren’t properly cleaned, the bacteria in plaque can inflame your gums. Cleaning your teeth on a regular basis might help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease.

Your dentist uses either a manual scaler or a high-speed ultrasonic scaler to clean the tooth surfaces.

Manual Scaling


Plaque removal is manually performed by special hand instruments known as hand scaling. Manual scalers are made to scrape accumulated plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. It’s an excellent procedure, but it takes a little longer, and some patients find the sensation of metal scraping their teeth unpleasant.

The procedure is easy to follow. The dentist chooses from a variety of hand scaling instruments and cleans along the gum line, between the teeth as she works her way around the quadrants of the patient’s mouth. However, there are a few disadvantages of traditional scaling techniques.

Also, when compared to Ultrasonic scalers, manual scalers are not as effective when cleaning built-up plaque and tartar. But according to some dentists, manual scalers may be better for cleaning porcelain and composite restorations, as well as demineralized areas of teeth.

Ultrasonic Scaling


Many dentists use these ultrasonic scalers as their primary equipment in the dental clinic. They’re efficient at eliminating stains, plaque, and calculus from the tooth surface.

Ultrasonic scalers work via vibration. High speed vibrations help to dislodge/remove hard calculus from the surface of the tooth in a fast & effective manner.

The tip can readily break up hardened deposits on the tooth without hurting it thanks to its forceful, repetitive motion. Some tips are so fine that they can be used on both the crown and root surfaces of the teeth. Also, the ultrasonic scaler tips are tiny enough to access where hand scaling instruments may have difficulty reaching.

Cool water is sprayed by the Ultrasonic scaler to assist eliminate plaque and tartar. The Dental ultrasonic scaler can quickly remove difficult stains and tartar, allowing the patient to spend less time in the chair and the doctor to rest.

Manual Scaling vs Ultra Sonic Scaling

Manual scalers are generally not used on weak teeth as they require scraping force to work effectively, which means it can possibly remove significant amounts of enamel, thus potentially exposing teeth and causing sensitivity in some patients. There are some downsides to using manual scalers, such as

  • Time taking procedure
  • Risk of gum injury more
  • More bleeding due to external force
  • More working force required for hard tissue removal
  • Increased hand fatigue for the dentist

In comparison, ultra-sonic scaling instruments are less damaging to tooth surfaces. The ultrasonic scaler can quickly remove difficult stains and tartar, allowing the patient to spend less time in the chair and the doctor to rest.

The Advantages of Using Ultrasonic Scaler in Dental Clinic Are:

  • Minimal or no soft tissue damage
  • Smooth and effective removal of hard calculus
  • Minimal Bleeding
  • Cooling effect by water spray
  • Effective periodontal pocket irrigation
  • Less Chair side time
  • Increased patient acceptance
  • Less hand fatigue to the dentist

Dental Scaler by Unicorn DenMart:

Unicorn denmart provides the dentist with a range of modern ultra-sonic scalers such as NSK Varios 570 scaler, Woodpecker D5 & the most advanced U6 LED Scaler. Woodpecker U6 Scaler is a smart scaler with innovative technologies to enhance patient comfort while also allowing the dentist to conduct a variety of dental procedures swiftly. Sine wave drive improves patient comfort (especially for those with dentinal hypersensitivity) by avoiding the stimulations induced by instantaneous current output. It is simple to use because to the smart ultrasensitive touch system and waterproof design.


In the past, dentists used a manual instrument to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth surfaces. But as more efficiency and productivity are required, today, dentists are using ultrasonic scaling devices instead. Dental scalers have a number of advantages. They can assist people with gum disease in reversing the situation. They also remove thick stains on teeth to restore your confidence and prevent the formation of calculus. If patients have a sensitivity to hand scaling instruments, dentist should utilize these ultrasonic piezon scalers.

Read This Blog Also:- Why Dental Teeth Cleanings are Essential?

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